Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF)

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The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), a third-generation medium-energy synchrotron light source, consists of a 150 MeV electron linac, a full-energy booster, a 3.5 GeV electron storage ring, 13 beamline experiment stations as well as 1 part-time secondary beamline experiment station. 7 beamlines of Phase I were open to domestic users on May 6, 2009. Additional 5 beamlines and 6 stations for protein research and one Dream Line were formally put into operation in 2015.

SSRF gives priority to original fundamental research, applied research with important application prospects and high-tech development to improve technical innovation in China, and encourages users to undertake national and ministerial major research projects, and welcome industry users to use SSRF. Users have been playing in leading role in its operation and opening, which is conductive to featured scientific objectives, prioritize key research fields, and promote important scientific outcomes.

The Shanghai soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility (SXFEL) is the first Chinese coherent light source in the wavelength range of 20 nm to 2 nm. It is based on a 1.5 GeV normal conducting high gradient C-band linac and currently contains two FEL beamline, a seeded FEL beamline and a SASE beamline, and five experimental stations. This facility is being developed at the SSRF campus in two steps, named the SXFEL test facility (SXFEL-TF) and the SXFEL user facility (SXFEL-UF). Currently, the 0.84 GeV linac based SXFEL-TF is under commissioning, aiming to test the related key technologies and the two-stage cascaded HGHG-HGHG or EEHG-HGHG scheme. In the meantime, the user experiments oriented SXFEL-UF is being developed at a designated wavelength down to the water window region, towards the user service in 2019.