
EPICS Base Downloads

Point Releases

The following EPICS point releases of EPICS Base are available for download. These are tar files, compressed with gnuzip. If present a [signature] link points to a GPG signature of the associated tarfile.

Version NumberCreation DateFile SizeDownload, 27th Jun 20243059 KBbase- [signature]
7.0.8Fri, 15th Dec 20233012 KBbase-7.0.8.tar.gz [signature]
7.0.7Wed, 7th Sep 20223015 KBbase-7.0.7.tar.gz [signature], 6th Oct 20212986 KBbase- [signature]
7.0.6Sat, 3rd Jul 20212984 KBbase-7.0.6.tar.gz [signature]
7.0.5Sun, 28th Feb 20212961 KBbase-7.0.5.tar.gz [signature], 14th Aug 20202905 KBbase- [signature]
7.0.4Thu, 28th May 20202905 KBbase-7.0.4.tar.gz [signature], 1st Nov 20192785 KBbase- [signature]
7.0.3Wed, 31st Jul 20192626 KBbase-7.0.3.tar.gz [signature], 23rd Apr 20192620 KBbase- [signature], 20th Mar 20192616 KBbase- [signature]
7.0.2Mon, 17th Dec 20182617 KBbase-7.0.2.tar.gz [signature], 15th Dec 20172504 KBbase- [signature]
R3.16.2Wed, 12nd Dec 20181766 KBbase-3.16.2.tar.gz [signature]
R3.16.1Fri, 02nd Jun 20171689 KBbase-3.16.1.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.9Sun, 27th Jun 20211721 KBbase-3.15.9.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.8Fri, 15th May 20201722 KBbase-3.15.8.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.7Thu, 31st Oct 20191698 KBbase-3.15.7.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.6Thu, 11th Oct 20181619 KBbase-3.15.6.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.5Tue, 13th Dec 20161570 KBbase-3.15.5.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.4Tue, 31st May 20161581 KBbase-3.15.4.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.3Tue, 24th Nov 20151565 KBbase-3.15.3.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.2Thu, 14th May 20151622 KBbase-3.15.2.tar.gz [signature]
R3.15.1Mon, 01st Dec 20141552 KBbase-3.15.1.tar.gz [signature]
R3.14.12.8Fri, 14th Sep 20181495 KBbaseR3.14.12.8.tar.gz [signature]
R3.14.12.7Fri, 15th Dec 20171493 KBbaseR3.14.12.7.tar.gz [signature]
R3.14.12.6Fri, 09th Dec 20161462 KBbaseR3.14.12.6.tar.gz [signature]
R3.14.12.5Tue, 24th Mar 20151463 KBbaseR3.14.12.5.tar.gz [signature]
R3.14.12.4Mon, 16th Dec 20131454 KBbaseR3.14.12.4.tar.gz
R3.14.12.3Mon, 17th Dec 20121447 KBbaseR3.14.12.3.tar.gz
R3.14.12.2Mon, 12th Dec 20111441 KBbaseR3.14.12.2.tar.gz
R3.14.12.1Tue, 26th Apr 20111434 KBbaseR3.14.12.1.tar.gz
R3.14.12Wed, 24th Nov 20101430 KBbaseR3.14.12.tar.gz
R3.14.11Fri, 28th Aug 20091505 KBbaseR3.14.11.tar.gz
R3.14.10Mon, 27th Oct 20081490 KBbaseR3.14.10.tar.gz
R3.14.9Mon, 05th Feb 20071393 KBbaseR3.14.9.tar.gz
R3.14.8.2Fri, 06th Jan 20061378 KBbaseR3.14.8.2.tar.gz
R3.14.8.1Tue, 20th Dec 20051378 KBbaseR3.14.8.1.tar.gz
R3.14.8Thu, 01st Dec 20051377 KBbaseR3.14.8.tar.gz
R3.14.7Tue, 07th Dec 20041379 KBbaseR3.14.7.tar.gz
R3.14.6Fri, 28th May 20041366 KBbaseR3.14.6.tar.gz
R3.14.5Wed, 04th Feb 20041402 KBbaseR3.14.5.tar.gz
R3.14.4Tue, 23rd Sep 20031314 KBbaseR3.14.4.tar.gz
R3.14.3Thu, 04th Sep 20031330 KBbaseR3.14.3.tar.gz
R3.14.2Thu, 22nd May 20031312 KBbaseR3.14.2.tar.gz
R3.14.1Fri, 20th Dec 20021272 KBbaseR3.14.1.tar.gz
R3.13.10Thu, 15th Apr 20041509 KBbaseR3.13.10.tar.gz
R3.13.9Wed, 20th Aug 20031583 KBbaseR3.13.9.tar.gz
R3.13.8Tue, 04th Feb 20031578 KBbaseR3.13.8.tar.gz
R3.13.7Thu, 25th Jul 20021576 KBbaseR3.13.7.tar.gz
R3.13.6Fri, 15th Mar 20021659 KBbaseR3.13.6.tar.gz
R3.13.5Wed, 19th Sep 20011655 KBbaseR3.13.5.tar.gz
R3.13.4Fri, 15th Dec 20001647 KBbaseR3.13.4.tar.gz
R3.13.3Tue, 11th Jul 20001645 KBbaseR3.13.3.tar.gz
R3.13.2Wed, 22nd Dec 19991615 KBbaseR3.13.2.tar.gz
R3.13.1.1Mon, 01st Mar 19991702 KBbaseR3.13.1.1.tar.gz
R3.13.1Thu, 19th Nov 19981712 KBbaseR3.13.1.tar.gz
R3.12.2.patch7Wed, 19th Feb 19971463 KBbaseR3.12.2.patch7.tar.gz
R3.12.2.patch6Fri, 16th Aug 19961463 KBbaseR3.12.2.patch6.tar.gz
R3.12.2.patch4Wed, 17th Jul 19961462 KBbaseR3.12.2.patch4.tar.gz
R3.12.2Fri, 19th Apr 19961462 KBbaseR3.12.2.tar.gz
R3.12.1.2Mon, 18th Sep 19951452 KBbaseR3.12.1.2.tar.gz
R3.12.1Mon, 10th Jul 19951419 KBbaseR3.12.1.tar.gz

Development Versions

In addition to the fully tested releases of EPICS Base listed above, the development versions of EPICS Base are available through the Launchpad website, although you will need to install the Git distributed version control software to make full use of them.

We cannot guarantee that the latest development version will even compile, let alone run properly. Do not rely on these versions of EPICS Base, although in most cases they should work properly and contain the latest bug fixes that will be found in the next official release. The release process includes running a comprehensive series of test suites, which the development versions have not necessarily been checked with.

Version BranchDetail
7.0See GitHub's epics-base project, the default (7.0) branch.
R3.15.xSee GitHub's epics-base project, the 3.15 branch