
As of now, this page is really an index of other pages containing documentation, because EPICS documentation is distributed between the different parts of the project. In most cases, the documentation associated with a particular part of EPICS is found on the part of this site that is concerned with that part of the code, and the links below will take you to those areas.

However, in the long run documentation will be collected and concentrated at Many documents can already be best reached from that site so please take a look. The page also explains the guidelines that EPICS-related documentation should follow in the future.

A number of different document formats have been used, depending on the original author’s preferences. Hypertext (HTML) and PDF predominate, but PostScript is also occasionally used.

EPICS Components

Guides and Support

Documentation FAQ

Where can I find the IOC Application Developers’ Guide?

This document, along with other similar documents, is very specific to the particular release of Base that you want to know about. You’ll find a link to it on the page for your Base release in the EPICS Base area. Since EPICS 7 though the information in the guide is being split up and distributed to other documents; API information will be published using Doxygen as we get around to including the appropriate annotations into the header files. Generic parts of the guide can already be found here.

Where is the Record Reference Manual?

It’s now built with the Base software, and included with the documents for each release.

Older stuff

The original APS EPICS Documentation page will no longer be maintained or updated. If there are any documents listed there that you will need access to in the future but cannot find in this new documentation area please let me know.