Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS)
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), located in Campinas, São Paulo state, operates the only synchrotron light source in Latin America, providing high brilliant light from infrared to X-rays for the analysis of organic and inorganic materials. Designed and built with Brazilian technology, LNLS was inaugurated in 1997 as an open facility to the scientific and industrial communities across the country and abroad.
LNLS is currently engaged in the development and construction of Sirius, the next Brazilian synchrotron light source. It is planned to be a state of the art fourth generation machine, designed to be one of the most advanced in the world. Its ultra-low emittance and thus high brightness will open up new perspectives for research in many fields such as material science, structural biology, nanoscience, physics, earth and environmental science, cultural heritage, among many others. It is scheduled to start commissioning in 2018 and to be opened to users in 2019.