Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)
The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is an exciting accelerator research facility in Ibaraki, Japan, operated by a cooperation between KEK and JAEA.
J-PARC has three proton accelerators: the 400 MeV proton linac (LINAC), the 3 GeV rapid-cycle synchrotron (RCS), and the 30 GeV Main Ring (MR). With its MW-class high power proton beams, various researches have been carrying out at three experimental facilities: materials and life science experimental facility (MLF), hadron experimental facility (HD), and neutrino experimental facility (NU).
J-PARC will throw light on the mysteries of the creation and structure of our universe by investigating matters at all levels, from quarks to atoms.
Since the first beam to LINAC in 2006, J-PARC has been operated by an EPICS based control system.