Base 3.16 Release Series

This release series contains many internal and external updates including rewrites of some components to improve performance and provide for future expansion. There will be no releases of this series after the release of version 3.16.2; further development is taking place in the 7.0 series (EPICS 7).

Continuous Integration

The automated testing of code from the 3.16 series has been switched off after the release of version 3.16.2. The final build status for 64-bit Linux builds can be found here.

Point Releases

Each released version has its own page containing links to its documentation and the relevant files in the software download area. Released versions may have subsequent patch releases, which are documented under the parent version number

Platforms Supported

The following host platforms are supported in the latest release above:

  • GNU/Linux on Intel, PowerPC or ARM
  • MacOS X (Darwin) on Intel
  • MS Windows on x86 or x64 using MS Visual Studio, Cygwin, or MinGW
  • Solaris on sparc or x86, using Sun’s compiler or GCC

These IOC target platforms are currently supported:

  • GNU/Linux on Intel, PowerPC or ARM
  • MacOS X (Darwin) on Intel
  • MS Windows on x86 or x64
  • Solaris on sparc or x86
  • RTEMS releases up to 4.10.x on any previously supported CPU.
  • vxWorks 6.8 or later on PowerPC or Intel CPUs.

Software Download

Tarfiles of released versions of Base can be retrieved from the Base Download area.

The source code for all release branches of Base can be obtained using git by cloning the URL

To check out only the 3.16 branch with just the commit history for this series, use the command:

git clone -b 3.16