EPICS 7.0.8

The EPICS 7.0.8 release contained a number of bug fixes and new features since 7.0.7. The changes and additions were be spread across the different modules, and are described in the appropriate release notes for the sub-modules.

The EPICS release fixes several bugs in the EPICS Core since 7.0.8 along with some minor enhancements and documentation updates. Read the Release Notes linked below for details.


The following documents cover EPICS version 7.0.8 and subsequent patch releases. Additional documents can be found in the documentation subdirectory of the distribution source code, and in the html subdirectory that gets created at build-time.

NOTE: These documents may be revised at any time without generation of a new source release. The core-talk and tech-talk mailing lists are probably the best sources of up-to-date information about the 7.0 series.

Release Notes

Other Links

IOC Component Reference Documentation
— Record types, Menus, JSON Link types and channel filters
EPICS Channel Access 4.13.1 Reference Manual
by Jeffrey O. Hill and Ralph Lange
Perl 5 Interface to Channel Access
by Andrew Johnson
msi: Macro Substitution and Include Tool
by Marty Kraimer

Software Download

All versions of EPICS Base are available to the public under an open source license. Development versions can be checked out of our git repository (detailed instructions to come). The sizes of the download files can be seen on the Base Download page. The compressed tar files linked below contain source code only (no binaries), the [signature] link points to a GPG signature of the tarfile.

To checkout the latest source code using git use the git command below, which will include some additional files not in the tarfile. Note that some of the submodules are fetched from LaunchPad, while others are on GitHub:

git clone --recursive -b 7.0 https://git.launchpad.net/epics-base base-7.0
cd base-7.0

Related Software

PVXS – New client & server for PVA Protocol. (PVXS Documentation)

pvaPy – Original Python Bindings for the PVA protocol. (API documentation)

P4P – PVAccess for Python. (P4P Documentation)

MCoreUtils – Utilities for EPICS on Multi-Core Linux
A collection of utilities for running IOCs on multi-core (RT or not) Linux architectures.